Thursday, 13 February 2014

All about the weather



1.   Use flashcards to teach the weather vocabulary (+Weather Words Handout)
2.  Make a weather wheel (template from ‘Learning About the Weather’ Evan-Moor book)LB
3.  Create a mini book with the days of the week and say what the weather was like LB
4.  Make a colourful flap book with the 12 months and describe the weather or any special events  LB
5.  Talk about what kind of clothes we wear on a cold day/on a hot day
6.  Make a paper doll with paper clothes and a washing line  LB
7.  Talk about what activities we do depending on the weather

8.  Sing weather songs:
·        Five little snowmen
·        I’m a little snowflake/snowman
·        Rain rain go away
·        Incy wincy Spider
·        Pretty leaves are falling down
·        To the beach
9.  Talk about the water cycle
10. Perform a short play about the water cycle (
11. Read  story books
·      ‘’ The Sun and the Wind’’
·      ’’ Wild Weather Soup’’
·      ‘’Molly and the storm’’
·      ‘’Oh say! Can you say what’s the weather like today?’’
·      ‘’The weather forecast’’
·      ‘’Cloudy with a chance of meatballs’’
12. Make a weather lapbook LB
            Find pictures of weather phenomena to decorate the cover.
            Add minibooks, flapbooks , wheel and washing line etc

13. On a windy day make a wind experiment
14. On a rainy day measure how much rain falls with a rain gauge
15. On a sunny day have a picnic
16. On a cloudy day do some puzzles and crosswords about the weather
17. Solve some weather riddles
18. Work on some weather worksheets (
19. Watch a you tube weather forecast
20. Roleplay: Pretend you are a meteorologist telling the weather forecast on TV
21. Make a wind vane, an anemometer or a pinwheel using a straw , a pencil, a pin and paper
22. Make a weather calendar
23. Learn some weather proverbs
24. Play weather pantomime
25. Play weather games (
clothing relay-20 questions-I’m going on vacation

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