Friday, 27 September 2013

Ice-breaker with a Twist

Every September I usually get a temporary post at a school for a few weeks and have to work with mixed ability classes and with learners of different ages. So I came up with a roleplaying and writing activity to revise vocabulary, trying to involve everyone.
I ask students  to write character profile cards (sort of ID cards).
They have about 10 minutes to provide as much information as they can.
Advanced students fill in all the information required.
Intermediate students fill in less information.
Beginners fill in even less.
I collect the cards and make a mark "B" on one of them (B stands for burglar)
I explain to the students that there has been a burglary in the Castle of Schooledge (our classroom that is)
and that a valuable painting has been taken. As I randomly redistribute the cards one of the students gets the
marked one, so that person knows he or she is the burglar the rest of the students will be looking for.
I give out three to five clues (ex, nationality, hair colour, vehicle, special feature, shoe size). Before the lesson starts if it is possible I also have some forensic evidence planted ex. a piece of gum, a note, a scarf, an airplane ticket, a key or a lock of hair etc...)
Then the students are allowed to get up and interrogate one another until someone finds the culprit.
As you can imagine time flies while lots of vocabulary revision is taking place through speaking and writing.
As an alternative, students can fill in imaginary information or describe favourite cartoon characters.

Hair colour
Eyes colour
Shoe size
Special features
Zodiac signs
Dangerous object
Favourite food
Favourite drink

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